The Ultimate Member add-on for Restrict Content Pro seamlessly integrates RCP’s powerful subscriptions functionality with the advanced member management provided by Ultimate Member.
This integration creates a tab in the Ultimate Member member account page where the member can manage their payment and subscription settings.
This integration will also track the member's status, so that their Ultimate Member status will reflect their RCP subscription status. If the subscription expires, so will their membership.
Installing The Ultimate Member Add-On
Download and install the plugin from your account dashboard here. If you need help installing the plugin, refer to the WordPress plugin installation documentation.
To license the plugin, please view our "How Do I License iThemes Products on My Sites" article.
Configuring The Ultimate Member Add-On
The Restrict Content Pro Ultimate Member add-on works completely behind the scenes and does not require any configurations.
Our plugin adds the RCP subscription data to the Ultimate Member profile and will also expire the UM profile if the membership lapses.
Ultimate Member will be activated for any user that registers, regardless of the registration method.

When a member expires in Restrict Content Pro they also expire in Ultimate Member and a notice will appear in the expired member’s profile.

Notifications that a subscription is about to expire can be customized in Restrict Content Pro by going to Restrict > Settings > Emails.
Please view the following tutorials to Customize suspended profile message or Modify subscription tab output.