On the Security Tools page, you can find the more advanced tools to manage your site's security, as well as the Import and Export module.
Identify Server IP's
Determine the list of your server's IP addresses in order to help prevent Site Lockouts and Trusted Devices errors.
Change User ID 1
You can run this tool to change a WordPress installation's default database user ID of "1". (Note: This tool is hidden if you don't have a user with an ID of 1.)
This feature edits your database and is permanent. Please make sure you have a backup before using it.
Change Database Prefix
WARNING: Make sure to make a backup of your database before using this setting!
By default, WordPress assigns the prefix "wp" to all tables in the database where your content, users, and objects exist. For potential attackers, this means it is easier to write scripts that can target WordPress databases, as all the important table names for 95% of sites are already known.
Changing the "wp" prefix makes it more difficult for tools that are trying to take advantage of vulnerabilities in other places to affect the database of your site. Before using this tool, we strongly recommend running a backup of your database.
Note: The use of this tool requires quite a bit of system memory which may be more than some hosts can handle. If you back your database up, you can't do any permanent damage, but without a proper backup, you risk breaking your site and having to perform a rather difficult fix.
Create MU Plugin Loader
Running this tool will enable Solid Security to be uploaded as an MU-Plugin.
Check File Permissions
Lists important files and directories and their respective permissions.
Server Config Rules
If you're not allowing Solid Security to write to the .htaccess file or aren't able to, these rules will need to be manually added. Just copy and paste the rules at the top of the file.
wp-config.php Rules
If you're not allowing Solid Security to write to the wp-config.php file or aren't able to, these rules will need to be manually added.
Just copy and paste the rules at the top of the file, below the first line (<?PHP). If needed, you can see how to edit the wp-config.php file in this article.
Changing WordPress Salts
Updates your WordPress Salts and will force all logged-in users to log in again.
Security Check Pro
Detects user IP addresses based on your server configuration.