Reset button

If you’d like to give your students a way to reset their lesson completion, you can use the WPC reset button:



To customize the button, we offer the following options for the shortcode. You can use custom text for the button, a custom CSS class, specify what course you want to reset (leaving out a specific course means all lessons on all courses are reset), the success or failure messages, and a custom confirm message.

[wpc_reset text="Custom button text" class="custom-css-class" course="Specific Course" confirm="Custom confirm message" success_text="Custom success message" failure_text="Custom failure text"]

You can use one or more of the above customizations, as needed, in your reset shortcode.

We do not offer CSS customization support, but if you’d like to customize the CSS for the button or the messages that show up after the button is clicked, you can use the following CSS classes:

.wpc-reset-message .success { }
.wpc-reset-message .failed { }
.wpc-reset-link { }

The default colors for the success and failure messages are:

.wpc-reset-message .success { color: #719430; }
.wpc-reset-message .failed { color: #940130; }

You can change either or both by adding new colors to your own CSS or to the CSS area on the WPC settings page.


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