Note: If you are using “Menu Order” to order your lessons for WPC – WordPress sometimes reverses the order (meaning the next lesson shows up as the previous one, and vice versa). You can combat this by using order=”DESC” .
If you’d like to add a way for students to navigate forward and backward in your lessons, you use these two shortcodes.
First, use pages to create your lessons, then give each a “Menu Order” (this is a standard WordPress feature found in the edit page or quick-edit options). Then use these shortcodes to create links for users to navigate forwards and backward in your lessons:
You can limit this to only the previous page in a certain course, or only the next page in a certain course, by adding a course tag to the shortcode:
[wpc_previous_page course="Course-Name"]
[wpc_next_page course="Course-Name"]
There are also options available should you want to add text before or after the link, or add text if you’re at the start or final lesson:
[wpc_previous_page prepend="Before text: " append=" (After text)" not_found="Ready?"]
[wpc_next_page prepend="Before text: " append=" (After text)" not_found="That's it!"]
You can also use things like “orderby” and “order” in previous/next buttons, like so:
[wpc_previous_page orderby="menu_order" order="asc"]
[wpc_next_page orderby="menu_order" order="asc"]
By doing that, you are telling the buttons which page should come next, similar to our list lessons shortcode.
You can change the text for navigation links by using button_text:
[wpc_previous_page button_text="New previous text"] [wpc_next_page button_text="New next text"]