Shortcodes Cheatsheet

For an exhaustive list of shortcodes, please check out our support section.

Free shortcode

For the free version of WPComplete, these are the available shortcodes you can use on your WordPress course:


You can either automatically add a button to the bottom of the post type you select or manually add a button with the above code.

PRO shortcodes (full list here)


With the PRO version of WPComplete, you can use all the shortcodes, including the above code for manually adding a button to any type of content. You can also add several buttons to the same page, using “name”, like so:

[wpc_button name="button-one"]

You can also show the button from another lesson on your content by using “post”, such as:

[wpc_button post="345"]

You can also change the words on the buttons on a per-button basis (you can change them globally on the settings page):

[wpc_button text="Click me to complete!" completed_text="YAY! Completed"]


To add content that will only show up if a button is completed (and hides if it’s not), use:

[wpc_completed_content]Conditional content[/wpc_completed_content]

To add content that will only show up if a button is incomplete (and hides when it’s completed), use:

[wpc_incomplete_content]Conditional content[/wpc_incomplete_content]

For either of the above code, you can add a button name to it, so it’s conditional based on a specific button on the lesson, like so:

[wpc_completed_content name="button-one"]Conditional content[/wpc_completed_content]

You can also show the conditional text of another lesson by referencing “post” in either shortcode, like so (where 435 is the post id):

[wpc_completed_content post="435"]

You can create button-specific conditional content:

[wpc_completed_content name="buttonname"]I am a completed button![/wpc_completed_content]

You can combine button-specific and page-specific conditional content::

[wpc_incomplete_content name="button-one" post="435"]Conditional content[/wpc_incomplete_content]

You can even do page-specific conditional content, for when all the buttons on a certain page are completed:
[wpc_if_page_completed] I am a completed page![/wpc_if_page_completed]

Or if they’re not:
[wpc_if_page_incomplete] I am not a completed page![/wpc_if_page_incomplete]

If you want to show conditional content for completed pages on a different page, add the “page” to the above shortcodes:

[wpc_if_page_completed page="123"] I am a completed page![/wpc_if_page_completed]

To show conditional content based on a fully completed specific course, use:
[wpc_completed_content course="Course Name"]I am a completed course![/wpc_completed_content]

Or for incomplete specific courses:
[wpc_incomplete_content course="Course Name"]I am not a completed course![/wpc_incomplete_content]

To show course-specific conditional content for the course you’re currently on:

[wpc_if_course_completed]I am a completed course![/wpc_if_course_completed]

[wpc_if_course_incomplete]I am not a completed course![/wpc_if_course_incomplete]


WPComplete PRO offers 3 variations on visually showing a student's progress through your course.

The first is text-only, which includes 2 options. The first is showing the percentage completed:


Or to show the percentage of a specific course (where “Course-Name” is a course you’ve created within WPC):

[wpc_progress_percentage course="Course-Name"]

The second text-only option is to show the ratio of lessons completed and the total number of lessons.


Or to show the progress by the number of lessons completed and the total number of lessons for a specific course (where “Course-Name” is a course you’ve created within WPC), use:

[wpc_progress_in_ratio course="Course-Name"]

WPComplete also offers two visual styles for course progress for students, both of which can be edited to match the colors of your site within the WPC settings page. The first is a bar graph that shows a student's progress:


Or, to use it to show the progress of a specific course (where “Course-Name” is a course you’ve created within WPC), use:

[wpc_progress_bar course="Course-Name"]

The second visual style is a circle graph that shows a student's progress, which is also stylable from the WPC settings page. To use this circle graph, use:


To use the circle graph to show progress from a specific course, use:

[wpc_progress_graph course="Course-Name"]


Do you want to list all the content (pages, posts or conditional content) that are completable lessons? You can with this shortcode, and add refinements to it like orderby, order and/or only show complete or incomplete lessons:

[wpc_list_pages orderby="menu_order" order="DESC" show="incomplete"]

Thanks for using WPComplete!

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