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Runs when a new payment is created and inserted into the database.
- $payment_id (int) - ID of the newly created payment.
- $args (array) - Array of arguments used when creating the payment. Includes:
- subscription (string) - Name of the associated subscription level.
- object_id (int) - ID of the associated object type (usually the ID of the associated subscription level).
- object_type (string) - Type of object (usually "subscription" to designate a subscription level).
- date (string) - Date/time the payment was inserted, in MySQL format.
- amount (float) - Final payment amount.
- subtotal (float) - Base price of the subscription level, before any discounts/credits/fees are added.
- credits (float) - Prorated credits applied towards the payment.
- fees (float) - Fees applied towards the payment.
- discount_amount (float) - Discount amount (from discount code) applied towards the payment.
- discount_code (string) - Discount code used for the payment.
- user_id (int) - ID of the associated user.
- payment_type (string) - Type of payment (i.e. "Credit Card One Time").
- transaction_type (string) - Type of transaction (new/renewal/downgrade/upgrade)
- subscription_key (string) - Subscription key.
- transaction_id (string) - ID of the transaction with the payment gateway.
- status (string) - Status of the payment (i.e. "complete", "pending", etc.).
- gateway (string) - Slug of the payment gateway that was used for the payment.
/** * Send an email to the customer when a new manual payment is created. * * @return void */ function ag_rcp_create_payment( $payment_id, $args ) { // If the gateway isn't "manual" - bail. if ( 'manual' != $args['gateway'] ) { return; } $user_info = get_userdata( $args['user_id'] ); // Bail if user info can't be retrieved. if( ! $user_info ) { return; } // Setup the subject and message. $subject = __( 'Your payment is pending', 'rcp' ); $message = __( 'Hello %name%, your payment for %subscription_name% is still pending. You can view your invoice here:', 'rcp' ); // Setup the email class. $emails = new RCP_Emails; $emails->member_id = $args['user_id']; $emails->payment_id = $payment_id; // Send the email. $emails->send( $user_info->user_email, $subject, $message ); } add_action( 'rcp_create_payment', 'ag_rcp_create_payment', 10, 2 );