REST API - Memberships Route

The memberships route allows you to interact with the Restrict Content Pro memberships database to retrieve memberships, add new ones, update existing memberships, and delete memberships.

Note: This endpoint is only available if you have Restrict Content Pro version 3.0 or higher installed.

Get memberships

GET /wp-json/rcp/{version}/memberships/

Required parameters:

  • None.

Optional parameters:

  • id__in (array) - An array of membership IDs. Default empty.
  • id__not_in (array) - An array of membership IDs to exclude from the results. Default empty.
  • customer_id (int) - A customer ID to only return this customer's memberships. Default empty.
  • customer_id__in (array) - An array of customer IDs to return memberships belonging to these customers. Default empty.
  • customer_id__not_in (array) - An array of customer IDs to exclude their memberships. Default empty.
  • object_id (int) - ID of a membership level to only return memberships of this level. Default empty.
  • object_id__in (array) - An array of membership level IDs to only return memberships of these levels. Default empty.
  • object_id__not_in (array) - An array of membership level IDs to exclude memberships of these levels. Default empty.
  • object_type (string) - An object type to only return memberships of this type. Default empty.
  • object_type__in (array) - An array of object types. Default empty.
  • object_type__not_in (array) - An array of object types to exclude. Default empty.
  • currency (string) - A currency code to only return memberships using this currency. Default empty.
  • created_date_query (array) - Date query clauses to limit memberships by. See WP_Date_Query for supported formats. Default empty.
  • trial_end_date_query (array) - Date query clauses to limit memberships by. See WP_Date_Query for supported formats. Default empty.
  • cancellation_date_date_query (array) - Date query clauses to limit memberships by. See WP_Date_Query for supported formats. Default empty.
  • expiration_date_query (array) - Date query clauses to limit memberships by. See WP_Date_Query for supported formats. Default empty.
  • auto_renew (int) - Filter by auto-renew status (1 for recurring, 0 for not recurring). Default null.
  • status (string) - A status slug, to only return memberships with this status. Supports: pending, active, canceled, expired. Default empty.
  • status__in (array) - Array of status slugs to include. Default empty.
  • status__not_in (array) - Array of status slugs to exclude. Default empty.
  • gateway_customer_id (string) - A gateway customer ID. Default empty.
  • gateway_subscription_id (string) - A gateway subscription ID. Default empty.
  • gateway (string) - A gateway slug. Default empty.
  • subscription_key (string) - A subscription key. Default empty.
  • upgraded_from (int) - ID of a membership. This will return only memberships that were upgraded from this one. Default empty.
  • disabled (int|null) - Whether to show all memberships (null), only enabled memberships (0), or only disabled memberships (1). Default 0.
  • count (bool) - Whether to return a membership count (true) or an array of membership objects (false). Default false.
  • fields (string) - Item fields to return. Accepts any known column name, or empty to return an array of complete membership objects. Default empty.
  • number (int) - Limit the number of results. Default 20.
  • offset (int) - Number of memberships to offset. Default 20.
  • no_found_rows (bool) Whether to disable the `SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS` query. Default true.
  • orderby (string) - Accepts `id`, `object_id`, `object_type`, `currency`, `initial_amount`, `recurring_amount`, `created_date`, `trial_end_date`, `cancellation_date`, `expiration_date`, `times_billed`, `maximum_renewals`, `status`, `gateway_customer_id`, `gateway_subscription_id`, and `subscription_key`. Also accepts false, an empty array, or `none` to disable the `ORDER BY` clause. Default `id`.
  • order (string) - How to order results. Accepts `ASC` and `DESC`. Default `DESC`.
  • search (string) - Search term(s) to retrieve matching memberships for. This searches most of the above membership columns. Default empty.
  • update_cache (bool) - Whether to prime the cache for found memberships. Default false.

Get specific membership

GET /wp-json/rcp/{version}/memberships/{membership_id}

Required parameters:

  • id - The membership ID to retrieve. Can be passed in the URL or as part of the body.

Optional parameters:

  • None.

New membership

POST /wp-json/rcp/{version}/memberships/new

Required parameters:

  • customer_id (int) - The ID of the customer this membership is for.
  • object_id (int) - The ID of the membership level this membership is for.

Optional parameters:

  • object_type (string) - Optional. The type of object. Default is `membership`.
  • currency (string) - Optional. Currency used for the membership. Default is the currency specified in Restrict > Settings > Payments.
  • initial_amount (string) - Optional. Amount charged on initial registration. Default is `0.00`.
  • recurring_amount (string) - Optional. Amount charged for renewals. Default is `0.00`.
  • created_date (string) - Optional. Date the membership was created in MySQL format. Default is the current date and time.
  • trial_end_date (string) - Optional. Date the integrated free trial ends. If omitted, this will be set automatically based on the customer's free trial allowance and whether or not the associated object ID has a built-in trial.
  • expiration_date (string) - Optional. Date the membership expires or renews, in MySQL format. Use `none` if the membership never expires. If omitted, this is auto-calculated based on the associated object ID.
  • auto_renew (bool) - Optional. TRUE if this membership has auto-renew enabled, FALSE if it does not. Default `false`.
  • times_billed (int) - Optional. Number of times this membership has been billed for so far. Default `0`.
  • status (string) - Optional. Status of the membership. Accepts: pending, active, canceled, expired. Default `pending`.
  • gateway_customer_id (string) - Optional. Gateway customer ID. Default empty.
  • gateway_subscription_id (string) - Optional. Gateway subscription ID. Default empty.
  • gateway (string) - Optional. Slug of the gateway. Default empty.
  • signup_method (string) - Optional. Signup method. Accepts: live, manual, imported. Default `live`.
  • subscription_key (string) - Optional. Unique subscription key for this membership. Default empty.
  • notes (string) - Optional. Notes for the membership. Setting this manually here is not recommended. Default empty.
  • upgraded_from (int) - Optional. ID of a membership this one was upgraded from. Default empty.
  • disabled (int) - Optional. Whether this membership is disabled (1) or enabled (0). Default `0`.

Update membership

POST /wp-json/rcp/{version}/memberships/update/{membership_id}

Required parameters:

  • id (int) - The ID of the membership to update. Can be passed in the URL or as part of the body.

Optional parameters:

  • customer_id (int) - The ID of the customer this membership is for.
  • object_id (int) - The ID of the membership level this membership is for.
  • object_type (string) - Optional. The type of object. Default is `membership`.
  • currency (string) - Optional. Currency used for the membership. Default is the currency specified in Restrict > Settings > Payments.
  • initial_amount (string) - Optional. Amount charged on initial registration. Default is `0.00`.
  • recurring_amount (string) - Optional. Amount charged for renewals. Default is `0.00`.
  • created_date (string) - Optional. Date the membership was created in MySQL format. Default is the current date and time.
  • trial_end_date (string) - Optional. Date the integrated free trial ends. If omitted, this will be set automatically based on the customer's free trial allowance and whether or not the associated object ID has a built-in trial.
  • expiration_date (string) - Optional. Date the membership expires or renews, in MySQL format. Use `none` if the membership never expires.
  • auto_renew (bool) - Optional. TRUE if this membership has auto-renew enabled, FALSE if it does not. Default `false`.
  • times_billed (int) - Optional. Number of times this membership has been billed for so far. Default `0`.
  • status (string) - Optional. Status of the membership. Accepts: pending, active, canceled, expired. Default `pending`.
  • gateway_customer_id (string) - Optional. Gateway customer ID. Default empty.
  • gateway_subscription_id (string) - Optional. Gateway subscription ID. Default empty.
  • gateway (string) - Optional. Slug of the gateway. Default empty.
  • signup_method (string) - Optional. Signup method. Accepts: live, manual, imported. Default `live`.
  • subscription_key (string) - Optional. Unique subscription key for this membership. Default empty.
  • notes (string) - Optional. Notes for the membership. Setting this manually here is not recommended. Default empty.
  • upgraded_from (int) - Optional. ID of a membership this one was upgraded from. Default empty.
  • disabled (int) - Optional. Whether this membership is disabled (1) or enabled (0). Default `0`.

Renew membership

This endpoint requires RCP REST API version 1.2 or higher.

POST /wp-json/rcp/{version}/memberships/{membership_id}/renew

Extends the membership for another billing period.

Required parameters:

  • id (int) - The ID of the membership to renew. Can be passed in the URL or as part of the body.

Optional parameters:

  • recurring (bool) - Whether or not the membership is recurring. Default is current recurring status.
  • status (string) - New membership status. Default is active.
  • expiration (string) - New membership expiration date. Default is to auto calculate based on the current membership level billing cycle.

Cancel membership

This endpoint requires RCP REST API version 1.2 or higher.

POST /wp-json/rcp/{version}/memberships/{membership_id}/cancel

Sets the membership status to "canceled" and, if applicable, cancels the recurring subscription at the payment gateway.

Required parameters:

  • id (int) - The ID of the membership to renew. Can be passed in the URL or as part of the body.

Delete membership

DELETE /wp-json/rcp/{version}/memberships/delete

Required parameters:

  • id (int) - The ID of the membership to delete

Optional parameters:

  • None.
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