The Limited Quantity Available add-on for Restrict Content Pro lets you define the number of times a subscription can be sold on your site. This is useful for membership sites that need to limit the quantity available for a particular subscription level.
Installing the Limited Quantity Available add-on
Download and install the plugin from your account dashboard here. If you need help installing the plugin, refer to the WordPress plugin installation documentation.
To license the plugin, please view our "How Do I License iThemes Products on My Sites" article.
Configuring the Limited Quantity Available add-on
To limit the quantity available of a subscription level, go to Restrict > Subscription Levels, and add a new subscription level or edit an existing one. From the add/edit screen, enter the number you'd like to be available in the Total Quantity Available setting, and save the subscription level.
That's all there is to setting up the add-on!
How it works
When a subscription level is purchased, the total number of sales for that level is recorded. Once the number of sales has reached the quantity available, the subscription level is automatically deactivated so that it's removed from the registration form displayed by the [register_form] shortcode.
What happens when a subscription level is deactivated?
When a subscription level is deactivated, members that have an active membership still retain access they've paid for. If they were set up for auto-renew, they will retain access until their subscription is canceled or expires due to payment issues. Practically speaking, deactivating a subscription level hides it from the registration form, nothing more.
Do renewal payments count towards the quantity available?
No. Automatic renewal payments are not counted towards the total quantity sold. Likewise, if a member buys a subscription but chooses not to auto-renew and then later renews manually, it does not count towards the total quantity sold.
Note: If a member was not set up for automatic renewals, once the quantity sold is reached he or she will not be able to manually renew the same subscription later since the subscription level is deactivated and not shown on the registration form.