Group Accounts - Shortcodes

In addition to the [rcp_group_dashboard] shortcode, there are some additional shortcodes available that give you more control over the group dashboard display. Included shortcodes are:

  • [rcp_group_member_add] - displays the Add Group Members form
  • [rcp_group_member_import] - displays the Import Group Members form for importing group members via CSV.
  • [rcp_group_members_list] - displays the Group Members table, which lets group owners and group admins see the group members and manage the individual members.
  • [rcp_group_edit_group] - displays the Group Settings form, which lets group owners and group admins update the group name and description.
  • [rcp_group_dashboard] - displays all of the things listed above. Useful if you want to do them all on the same page with just one shortcode.
  • [rcp_group_join_form] - used for creating a public group member registration page. See our Group Member Registration article for more information.
  • [rcp_group_is_owner] - any content wrapped in this shortcode will only be visible to group owners.
  • [rcp_group_is_admin] - any content wrapped in this shortcode will only be visible to group admins.
  • [rcp_group_is_member] - any content wrapped in this shortcode will only be visible to group members, not owners. If you want to include owners also, you can use the include_owner option. If you want to include admins also, you can use the include_admin option. For example:
    [rcp_group_is_member include_owner="true"]This content is visible to both group members and the group owner.[/rcp_group_is_member]
    [rcp_group_is_member include_owner="true" include_admin="true"]This content is visible to group members, the group owner, and group administrators.[/rcp_group_is_member]
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