Custom Redirects

The Custom Redirects add-on allows site owners to define the URLs subscribers are redirected to after logging in and registering accounts. It allows for URLs to be specified for each membership level independently through a simple set of options added to the membership level edit screen.

Installing The Custom Redirects Add-On

Download and install the plugin from your account dashboard here. If you need help installing the plugin, refer to the WordPress plugin installation documentation.

To license the plugin, please view our "How Do I License iThemes Products on My Sites" article.

Configuring The Custom Redirects Add-On

Once the Custom Redirects add-on is activated, the redirect options can be configured by navigating to Restrict > Membership Levels > Edit. There will be two input fields added near the bottom of the screen:

  • Registration Redirect URL - This is the URL that customers will be sent to after registering for this membership level.
  • Login Redirect URL - This is the URL that customers subscribed to this membership level will be redirected to after logging into their account.

Use complete URLs, like this:

How Do Login Redirects Work With Multiple Memberships?

If a customer has multiple memberships then the highest priced level will be used when determining the login redirect URL. For example: if the customer has memberships to Gold ($25/month) and Bronze ($10/month), then the Gold login redirect will be used.

Note: The login redirect URL only works with the [login_form] shortcode and other login areas built into Restrict Content Pro. It does not apply to the wp-login.php form.

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