Google Drive (v2) Setup

IMPORTANT: Effective October 25, 2024 Solid Backups will no longer support sending backups to Google Drive Remote Destinations.

Read the full announcement here.


To begin setting up Google Drive (v2), navigate to the Destinations page under Wp-Admin -> BackupBuddy -> Destinations and click the "+ Add New" button. From there, select the Google Drive (v2) destination:


Click the "Sign in with Google" button, or click the link below if you're using a service account:



If you get a warning/error message that says "Invalid Authentication Request" and/or "Missing Username Parameter", please make sure that BackupBuddy is licensed on the site here:

wp-admin (dashboard) -> Settings -> iThemes Licensing ->

As BackupBuddy needs to be licensed in order to use the Google Drive (v2) remote destination.


Allow BackupBuddy access to Google Drive by clicking, "Allow":


Copy and paste the OAuth key provided into the "Paste your code here:" option, and click "Link Account":


Success! You've now added Google Drive as a remote destination, you may now send your backups to the destination and you can also restore backups from Google Drive.


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