
Using the OneDrive Remote Destination

To begin using the OneDrive destination, first, ensure you have access to a Microsoft account. Go to the Solid Backups Destinations page (Backups -> Destinations). Once you are on this Destinations page, you can begin adding the OneDrive Remote Destination. To add the destination, simply click the "+ Add New" button. From there, select the OneDrive destination and click the button to log in to OneDrive. A window will appear asking you to log into your Microsoft account, simply enter the Microsoft credentials and you will be given an authentication code.

If you get a warning/error message that says "Invalid Authentication Request" and/or "Missing Username Parameter", please make sure that Solid Backups is licensed on the site here:

wp-admin (dashboard) -> Settings -> SolidWP Licensing ->

as Solid Backups needs to be licensed in order to use the OneDrive remote destination.


Enter the authentication code provided and click "Link Account". You can now select the folder where you want to store the backups in the OneDrive destination, change the name of the destination, and setting up archive limits.


Once you have verified everything is in order, click "+ Add Destination". You are now able to begin using the OneDrive destination!

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