Sometimes, the settings for email recipients in the Notification Center don't meet your team's needs.
If you have a user without admin privileges or someone who isn't a user and you'd like them to receive notifications, you can add this code snippet to your theme (or child theme) functions.php file.
function ithemes_security_custom_notification_email( $emails ) {
$emails[] = '';
return $emails;
add_filter( 'itsec_notification_email_recipients', 'ithemes_security_custom_notification_email' );
If you want to stop emails to site admins and only send them to a custom address, place this in your theme/child theme's functions.php instead.
function ithemes_security_custom_notification_email( $emails ) {
return [
add_filter( 'itsec_notification_email_recipients', 'ithemes_security_custom_notification_email' );
Be sure to change
to the email address you'd like to use.