To get started creating your first Content Upgrade, you'll go to Content Upgrades in your dashboard.
Note: These settings apply only to the individual Content Upgrade you are creating. You can create your default settings under Content Upgrades > Settings.
Bonus Content
To get started creating your Content Upgrades, you'll go to Content Upgrades and click the Add New Content Upgrade button at the top of the page.
Next, you'll give your Content Upgrade a title and upload the content you want to give to your users when they sign up.
Under the Popup tab, you'll add a headline and description for your popup. Then you'll add the text you'd like to show on the signup button in the Button Text field and in the Preload section, you can list any pages or posts you'd like to have the form preloaded on.
Under Behavior, you can determine whether or not the link for the bonus content download is shown immediately.
The Text in download popup setting is only available if you leave the option to immediately display the download immediately and allows you to customize the text shown in the popup.
This section is also where you can determine whether or not to show social sharing buttons on the download popup and customize the label for the sharing buttons.
If you'd rather not use the download popup, you can enable the Redirect user to a different page after they fill out this CU form option. With this turned on, you'll need to add the URL where you want the customer directed after they submit the form.
Enabling the Enable Exit-Intent Popup setting will bring up the popup if someone moves their cursor outside of the viewport.
If you want your users to receive an email with their download link as well as immediately receiving the download link after submitting the form (or instead of), make sure the Enable email to user option.
With this enabled, you'll then give your email a subject and then customize the body of the email.
If you would like to send the admins on your site an email whenever someone signs up for the Content Upgrade, you can turn on the Enable email to administrator option. With this setting enabled, you'll first add the Email to email address which would be the email addresses of any admins on your site who you'd like to receive the notification. You can then customize the subject and body of your email notification.
Under the entries tab, you'll find the details of any user who has signed up for the bonus content on this Content Upgrade.
The Insert tab is where you will find the shortcode and link you can use to embed the form or link into your post or page.
Disable "Click" event listener
In order for popups to work correctly with some themes, you will need to enable this setting.
Enable HTML5 validation
In order for popups to work correctly with some themes, you will need to enable this setting.
Enable logging
The Enable Logging setting, which is enabled by default, logs events and actions related to the Content Upgrades plugin to use for troubleshooting.
Once you've finished entering all your details, be sure to hit Publish!