Resetting Stash Live

From time to time you may notice that your Stash Live is no longer syncing your site. This can occur for a number of reasons ranging from temporary service outage on either ours or your hosts' end, to a file sticking and blocking other files from getting through. This is an extremely easy fix with these simple instructions:


1.) Go to your wp-admin area and access the BackupBuddy Stash Live section



2.) From here you will want to expand the Advanced Troubleshooting Options, and then click Uncache Live Credentials.


3.) Once you've uncached your credentials you will then go back to Advanced Troubleshooting and click the button "Delete Catalog and State".


4.) If you are still experiencing issues, you can disconnect and reconnect Stash Live


Then scroll to the bottom where you will see the option to disconnect from stash live. Do that by entering your iThemes account information.


5.) Finally, once you have logged out just log back in and it will reconnect your site to Stash and start the Sync and Snapshot process for you!

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