Updating Site Title

When you create your iThemes Hosting account everything is created for you in the WordPress environment. This means that your site title and tagline are going to be auto-generated ones that a fresh WordPress install creates. iThemes Hosting through the Sync dashboard gives you a way to update this quite easily to fit your actual websites name. The following steps will allow you to update this:

  1. Sign into your iThemes Sync Panel to access Hosting.
  2. From the Home section of Sync, select the drop-down arrow to open the Sync settings of your new site and select the Full Site Details option.
  3. From this panel, you will want to select the WP Settings option which will bring you to the section where you can update your Site's Information.
  4. You will then simply update the Site Title and Tagline boxes to be what you wish and then scroll to the bottom of the page to save your settings.
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