Using phpMyAdmin

The use of phpMyAdmin for database management is considered an advanced feature. If you are unfamiliar with this type of database administration, then it is recommended that you seek help from your website developer.

Occasionally, while managing your site you come across something that requires you to directly access your database. With iThemes Hosting, you have access to PHPMyAdmin where you can go to handle many of the needs for your database. You need 3 main things to start, all of which you can get from the Database Information section of your iThemes Hosting page.


This article assumes that you've already gotten your database password. You will need that database password, the database server which you can find here is and the database username which in this example is 2015039_eed292b5. You will then go ahead and select the Login link under phpMyAdmin.

You will then be brought to the phpMyAdmin login screen where you will enter the database username and password then locate the database server from the drop-down menu


Once you enter that information you will be logged into phpMyAdmin.



When you access phpMyAdmin, the center section is your settings and basic MySQL server information by default.


Here you can adjust languages, themes, font, size and many other things. You can also find information specific to your database server and web server from the right-hand menu.


Your Database information can be viewed from the left-hand menu. This is where you would select the database you wish to work with.


information_schema will be present for all of your databases and can be disregarded. The main database that you are interested in will be listed above that. You will click on that database to open the database menu.


From here, you can make modifications to your tables directly, including updating information and deleting content from your site. As mentioned previously, phpMyAdmin database administration is an advanced skill so please be sure to speak with your website developer if you are unsure about changes that need to be made.

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