Create a Scheduled Report

Creating a Scheduled Report allows you to run a report daily, weekly, or monthly and then automatically email those reports to your clients.


To create a Scheduled Report navigate to the Solid Central Reports page and click the Add New button.



You will need to select the site(s) that you would like to include, then add a Schedule Name, Report Name, Start Date, End Date, Repeat Frequency, Report Length, and Save Location. For non-repeating reports, the Begin Schedule Date is the date when the first report will run and the Time is when the report will be sent. 



When setting the report schedule to repeat, you will only need to set the Repeat value. The Begin Schedule date and Time will not affect repeating reports.


Keep in mind if you set the report to save to Solid Central, it will only be available to view for 30 days.


*Note: Repeat values will adjust depending on which option is selected.  Options include: None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, and Annually.



The Report created can be automatically emailed to the client. Enter their email address.  If you are sending to more than one person, the email addresses will need to be separated by a comma. Choose whether or not you’d like to be sent a copy and enter the email subject. You can also add a personal message to the client. 



Select which Report Contents you would like to have included.


Click Create Scheduled Report at the bottom of the page to save your settings.


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