Builder Events Block adds event management tools to your site by providing custom post types for Events and Venues . Builder Events Block also features integratio
Related Child Themes
Builder Events Block works with any Builder child theme, but Builder Child Child - Noise is designed to work specifically with the Builder Events Block.
- Download the Builder Events Block plugin from iThemes Member Panel .
- From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New .
- Install and Activate the builder-block-events zip file.
Once Builder Events Block has been installed, you'll notice two new menus have been added to the left-hand navigation of your WordPress dashboard:
- Events - Adds events with a title (name), text, location map, notifications (to display "postponed" or "canceled", date picker, featured image, plus Gravity Forms and Eventbrite integrations.
- Venues - Add venues with a title and location map. Note : Venues are not viewable by the public. After publishing venues, you can select to use it under the Location meta box when adding or editing an event.
n with Gravity Forms (for event registration) and Eventbrite.
Builder Events Block creates a custom post type for Events displayed in an event "archive" visible on the Noise demo site . This event listing is available in both a list or calendar view.
The Events Menu
From the WordPress dashboard, the Events' menu expands to reveal several pages:
- All Events - A listing of all events "posts"
- Add New - The "Add New Event" page
- Start Here - A quick-start guide for adding events
- Settings - Add your Eventbrite API, choose the post type name and name plural, permalink structure, list or calendar view defaults, display order and custom notification messages
Adding a New Event
To add a new event, click Add New .
Add the event title (name), a description, location address, date and featured image.
Press Publish . Your new event will now be visible on the site from the URL located beneath the Staff Title.
Event Settings3
The Settings Page in the Events menu allows you to add your Eventbrite API, choose the post type name and name plural, permalink structure, list or calendar view defaults, display order and custom notification messages.
Eventbrite API
Builder Block Events requires an Eventbrite API Key and your personal API User Key in order use use Eventbrite widgets on your events.
- Eventbrite API Key - Create your API key from your Eventbrite account here:
- Eventbrite API User Key - Grab your your API User Key here:
Post type name and name plural
If you want to change the name and plural name of your the post type, you can do so in this section. Changing the post type name and plural name will also change the menu title in the left side of the WordPress dashboard navigation. To see these changes, click Save Changes , then refresh the page and you'll see the new menu title.
Permalink Structure
You can change the permalink structure for events in this section. Updating the permalink slug will change the URL for the event archive and individual event "posts."
List or Calendar View
Set the default view for you events archive view as either List or Calendar .
This List view is chosen by default. Choosing the Calendar view will update the event archive to be rendered in a calendar view.
Display Order
The Display Order sets how events display for the list view, either in Start Date or Publish Date . Choosing Start Date will not display events older than the current date.
Notification Messages
The Notification Messages section allows you to customize notification messages for three different notifications for your events:
- ended
- postponed
- canceled
These notification messages will display if individual events have been postponed or canceled (this option is located on the Add New Event page for individual events).
Builder Church Block creates a custom post type for Venues . Venues are not viewable by the public. After publishing venues, you can select to use it under the Location meta box when adding or editing an event.
Adding a New Venue
To add a new event, click Add New .
Add the Venue title (name) and location address. To add a mapped location, enter your address in the search bar.
Press Publish .
Note: Venues are not viewable by the public in an archive. After publishing a Venue, you can select to use it under the Location meta box when adding or editing an Event.
Venue Settings
The Settings page in the Venues menu allows you to customize the venue post type name and name plural .
Post type name and name plural
Changing the post type name and name plural will change the Venues menu in the WordPress dashboard to your custom post type name.
How to assign a layout to Events listing page
Add this code at the end of active theme's (child theme of Builder) functions.php:
How to assign a layout to Events listing page
Add this code at the end of active theme's (child theme of Builder) functions.php:
function custom_filter_events_layout( $layout_id ) { if ( is_post_type_archive('it_bb_event') ) return '4e57b7c528e6e'; return $layout_id; } add_filter( 'builder_filter_current_layout', 'custom_filter_events_layout' );
In the above, change "4e57b7c528e6e" to the ID of layout that you wish to assign to Events archive page.
To find the ID for a Layout, go to the Layouts listing, copy the edit link for the desired Layout, paste the link somewhere, and grab the text after the last equal sign. For example, consider the following link:
The Layout's ID for the above is 4e57b7c528e6e.
How to add start and end date and location to list of events
Note, this applies to the WordPress backend, see image:
Add the following code at the end of your child theme's functions.php file, but before the closing ?> (if any).
// Add fields to events columns add_filter('manage_edit-it_bb_event_columns', 'my_it_bb_event_columns'); function my_it_bb_event_columns( $it_bb_event_columns ) { $new_columns['cb'] = '<input type="checkbox" />'; $new_columns['title'] = __('Event Name', 'column name'); $new_columns['event_start_date'] = _x('Start Date'); $new_columns['event_end_date'] = _x('End Date'); $new_columns['event_address'] = __('Location', 'event_address'); // $new_columns['author'] = __('Author'); uncomment to show author // $new_columns['date'] = _x('Date Created', 'column name'); uncomment to show creation date return $new_columns; } // Get fields for events columns add_action('manage_it_bb_event_posts_custom_column', 'my_it_bb_event_custom__columns', 10, 2); function my_it_bb_event_custom__columns( $column_name, $id ) { $event_data = get_post_meta( $id , '_it_options' , true ) ; switch ($column_name) { // event start date case 'event_start_date': if ( $event_data[$column_name] ) echo date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ) , strtotime( $event_data[$column_name] ) ); break; // event end date case 'event_end_date': if ( $event_data[$column_name] ) echo date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ) , strtotime( $event_data[$column_name] ) ); break; // event address, custom or venue case 'event_address': if ( ( !empty ( $event_data['default_location'] ) ) && ( ( $event_data['default_location'] !== 'custom' ) ) ) $event_data = get_post_meta( intval( $event_data['default_location'] ) , '_it_options' , true ) ; echo nl2br( $event_data[$column_name] ); break; default: break; } return; } // add custom fields to be sortable add_filter( 'manage_edit-it_bb_event_sortable_columns', 'my_sortable_it_bb_event_columns' ); function my_sortable_it_bb_event_columns( $columns ) { $columns['event_start_date'] = 'event_start_date'; $columns['event_end_date'] = 'event_end_date'; $columns['event_address'] = 'event_address'; return $columns; }