Builder HTML Module

The HTML Module adds a place for post or page content to render. It also supports the use of shortcodes and execution of PHP code.

Adding an HTML Module

To add an HTML Module to your Layout, click Add Module and select the HTML Module from the list of available Modules.

HTML Module Settings

Once the HTML Module has been selected and added to the Layout, the Modify HTML Module Settings box will appear. Customize the settings of the HTML Module by selecting from the following options.

Available Content Module settings include:

  • Name - For widget identification purposes
  • HTML - Add your static HTML, shortcode or PHP code
  • Sidebars - Widget areas to the left, right or on both sides of the HTML Module
  • Style - **Varies by child theme** - If the active child theme (theme design) provides Alternate Module Style options for this module, select the desired style.
  • Enable PHP - "No" or "Yes" – Enabling this option allows for processing of PHP code inside the module. Always review PHP code if taken from a third party, as it could pose a serious security threat.
  • Remove Wrapper Div - "No" or "Yes" – Enabling this option is only recommended for advanced users as this can cause layout issues if not properly handled. When Builder renders Modules, it wraps the output in a series of divs to keep the Layout structure properly intact and to allow the styling to be properly applied. The HTML 0odule is unique in allowing the output to be removed from these containing div wrappers. If the "Remove Wrapper Div" option is enabled, the output entered in the HTML input will be output without the wrappers, allowing you to create complex output that breaks out of the Layout structure. It is for this reason that it should only be used by advanced users.

Click the Save button to save the HTML Module Settings. You'll now see the HTML Module added to your Layout, denoting the configuration of sidebars (if applicable).

Advanced Note

The HTML Module isn't limited to just static HTML content. You can also use shortcodes and PHP code to add generated content. PHP support must first be activated with the Enable PHP option below.

Using shortcodes is preferred over PHP code as allowing PHP code has security risks.

Generic CSS Class


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