Module Options and Styles

Builder Modules: Sidebars

Sidebars are a Module option that adds an additional widget location to the Content, Footer, Header or Image Module.

Sidebar widths are customized by assigning a width (in pixels) to each Sidebar location.

Sidebars can be added in the following increments relative to the Module:

  • 1 left
  • 2 left
  • 1 right
  • 2 right
  • Split (1 left and 1 right)

Builder Modules: Alternate Module Styles

Some Builder child theme designs include Alternate Module Styles , or different built-in style options for Modules. Alternate Module Styles may include different background colors, font styles, borders, padding, etc. for individual Modules.

Selecting Alternate Module Styles

When adding a Module to your Layout, available Alternate Module Styles will be listed in the "Styles" drop-down of the "Modify Module Settings" box.

From there, select the Alternate Module Style of your choice.

Advanced: Building a Custom Alternate Module Style

Visit the Custom Module Styles page for more information on building a custom Alternate Module Style

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