Builder Footer Module

The Footer Module adds a place for the site Footer to render. Most Layouts will have this Module at the bottom of the Layout, although a Layout does not require a Footer (even if a Layout does not have a Footer Module, the function calls that some plugins and features require that footers are responsible for will be handled automatically by Builder).

Adding a Footer Module

To add an Footer Module to your Layout, click Add Module and select the Footer Module from the list of available Modules.

Footer Module Settings

Once the Footer Module has been selected and added to the Layout, the Modify Footer Module Settings box will appear. Customize the settings of the Footer Module by selecting from the following options.

Available Footer Module settings include:

  • Name - For widget identification purposes
  • Sidebars - Widget areas to the left, right or on both sides of the HTML Module
  • Style - **Varies by child theme** - If the active child theme (theme design) provides Alternate Module Style options for this module, select the desired style.

Click the Save button to save the Footer Module Settings. You'll now see the Footer Module added to your Layout, denoting the configuration of sidebars (if applicable).

Generic CSS Class


Advanced Note: Editing the Footer Module

Method 1

Make a copy of footer.php from parent Builder directory, edit it and place in your child theme's (active theme) directory.

If you would like a footer.php that looks like the screenshot above as starting point to use as is or further customize , download this zip file , extract it and upload footer.php to your child theme directory.

This is the example code in the footer.php just in case the download link does not work:


function render_footer() {
	<!-- Begin changes -->
	<div class="alignmiddle">
		<p><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a> | <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/terms-conditions/">Terms & Conditions</a></p>
		<p><?php echo date( 'Y' ); ?> - Copyright © All Rights Reserved</p>
	<!-- End changes -->

	<?php wp_footer(); ?>


add_action( 'builder_layout_engine_render_footer', 'render_footer' );


In the above, replace & with & a m p ; without spaces and © with & c o p y ; without the spaces.


Add the following at the end of child theme's style.css:

.alignmiddle {
	text-align: center;

Method 2

To remove the credit to iThemes Builder (but leave the standard copyright notice, powered by WordPress etc.) you could also include this function in your child theme's functions.php:

		add_filter( 'builder_footer_credit', 'custom_builder_footer_credit' );

function custom_builder_footer_credit( $footer_credit ) {
    $footer_credit = 'Powered by WordPress
Customized by Myself!'; return $footer_credit; }
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