FAQs, Tips, and Tutorials



Sort Custom Field Values by Meta Value (Character or Numeric)

  • Custom Field values can be sorted by meta value (character or numeric).
  • Only ONE meta item can be used to sort at one time.
    • Using multiple meta items will assume you would like an advanced meta query, and sorting will be ignored in such a case. This is a WordPress limitation.
  • Sort Custom Field Values via the following steps (assuming you already have several posts with the same custom field):
    • 1 : Change the Order By parameter to either " Meta Value " or " Numeric Meta Value ".
    • 2 : Go to Post Meta Parameters and click " Add Meta ".
    • 3 : Set the Meta Key and Meta Values you would like to search for and sort by.
    • 4 : Save the query.
    • 5 : Assign the query to a post or section and observe the results.

LoopBuddy Does Not Work on Static Posts Page

LoopBuddy will NOT work on pages set as Static Posts Page in WordPress --> Settings --> Reading --> Front Page Displays --> Posts Page section. There is a good reason for it and a great workaround.


The Reading Screen in the WordPress Settings Settings --> Reading Screen Settings is necessary when you want to tell WordPress that your blog content doesn't reside on the home page.

For example, you have selected a Front Page, which will tell WordPress, "Use this page instead of showing a default blog layout."

Since there is technically no longer a blog layout, WordPress wants to know, "Where can I find your blog content?"

This is how WordPress works, and not a LoopBuddy bug. There is a great flawless way to get exactly what you want with the below workarounds, though.

Workaround (any one of this will work - we recommend the PREFERRED LoopBuddy way to do it!)

  • Not have a section on your site with your blog content (readers will only be able to access your posts via category and date archives).
  • Create a page to point WordPress to, and WordPress will take care of the rest and display the appropriate blog content.
  • PREFERRED: With LoopBuddy, however, you don't have to specify a "Blog" section in WordPress.
    • You can create a regular page.
    • Allow LoopBuddy to create a blog section for you either via LoopBuddy --> Settings option OR by choosing the LoopBuddy options in the Post/Page Editor page for the page you just created.
    • WordPress doesn't need to know about it in this particular case, and it won't hurt your site in the least. You do NOT have to change the WordPress --> Settings --> Reading --> Front Page Displays --> Posts Page settings for this option to work perfectly.

Make a Custom Field (or Amost Anything) Clickable

With the power of different tags in LoopBuddy Layout, you can make almost anything clickable without editing a single file. This is extremely useful when you want to make something like a Custom Field, which is text by default, clickable automatically in any or every loop.

Steps to perform in your LoopBuddy Layout:

  1. Start with a Text tag (first Text tag) which has the content: <a href="
  2. Next comes anything, including a Custom Field tag. This is the link.
  3. Now comes another Text tag (second Text tag) which has the content: ">
  4. Now comes anything to show the link. It can be the same Custom Field tag again as #2 above, another custom field, or any text or image you wish.
  5. Another Text tag (3rd Text tag) with the following content: </a>

That's it!

Related thread: http://ithemes.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16971-text-before-single-custom-field-and-url/

Search Within a LoopBuddy Query

You can have search widgets which actually search specific LoopBuddy queries for the parameters you specify. There are many different ways of achieving this with LoopBuddy.

Check out the forum thread Searching Within a LoopBuddy Query for more details.

Change OLDER POSTS and NEWER POSTS Pagination Text

You can change the " Older posts " and " Newer posts " text to say anything by editing those words in your wp-content/plugins/loopbuddy/loopbuddy.php file on lines 1429 and 1430. They will look like the following:

div class="nav-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">←</span> Older posts', 'it-l10n-loopbuddy' ) ); ?></div>
<div class="nav-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( 'Newer posts <span class="meta-nav">→</span>', 'it-l10n-loopbuddy' ) ); ?></div>

Only change the " Older posts " and " Newer posts " text in the above to say anything else you wish.

Related forum thread: http://ithemes.com/forum/index.php?/topic/19863-pagination-text/

Video Tutorials and Tips Overview

These different video tutorials and tips can help you figure out more things about LoopBuddy. Remember, these videos show LoopBuddy and related things that were the most recent/updated as of the date of that video. Things may have changed in actual LoopBuddy since then.

LoopBuddy Full 1 Hour Webinar

Learn the ins and outs of LoopBuddy with the following 1 hour Webinar, made by our very own Webdesign.com

Missing Video

Show custom static homepage content and 3 latest blog excerpts under it

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