Restoring/Migrating a Database Backup

Solid Backups’ Restore option allows you to restore a current site (that has been backed up with Solid Backups) to a previous version. This is helpful if your site has been hacked or you need to revert back to an older version of your site.

Restore Database Backup within Solid Backups

To begin using this ability, you will need a database backup of the site, which can be created under Solid Backups -> Backups -> Create Backup. Once this backup is made, click the Restore Backup tab and you can begin restoring your database backup. Click the Restore button to begin the process.

 Restore Using a Database Backup

The WordPress database can be easily restored using the Standalone Importer and the Solid Backups Database Restore.

To perform a database-only restore, upload your Database Only backup file with the ImportBuddy file to the main directory of your site (example:  /home/mysite/public_html).

Navigate to importbuddy.php in your web browser to follow the directions to restore the database.  For example, the Standalone Importer location would be This will open the Standalone Importer which will walk you through the remaining steps.

You may also extract (unzip) your Solid Backups Database Only backup onto your computer and then upload the extracted database .sql file(s) using your cPanel or PHPMyAdmin control panel.

Migrating Using a Database Backup

The only difference between migrating a site with a Complete (Full) Backup and a Database Only Backup is that in your new location, you’ll go ahead and install WordPress to the new location.

  1. Place a copy of importbuddy.php and your Database Only Backup file in the new location via any of the methods listed in the manual migration steps.
  2. Go to and follow the 6 Standalone Importer steps.
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