After your Solid Backups purchase, you can download the Solid Backups zip file from the SolidWP Member's Panel.
Don't hesitate to contact our sales team if you have questions or need help logging in.
Additional Information
When you download Solid Backups from your SolidWP Member's Panel, please make sure your browser does not automatically unzip the downloaded zip file.
If your browser does this, then instead of finding a downloaded zip file, you will find a folder named after Solid Backups that contains all the Solid Backups' files. This is not what you need. You should not try to zip up the folder, but instead, check the information below and proceed as directed.
For example, by default, the Safari browser automatically unzips any zip file that you download through Safari. This behavior can be turned off in Safari Preferences. It is generally preferable, however, to right-click on the download link for the Solid Backups zip file and then select the download linked file
option from the pop-up context menu. That will prevent the automatic treatment from being applied in this instance, but you can still take advantage of automatic treatments in other cases.
If you accidentally click on the Solid Backups download link, provided you do not empty the Trash in the interim, you can recover the original zip file from the Trash.
The Firefox browser will, by default, give you a choice of how you want to handle the file you are downloading, and you will choose to save it. Other browser behaviors are similar.