To create a new scheduled backup, go to Solid Backups > Schedules. From here, you’ll be able to create a new scheduled backup and edit or delete any schedules previously made.
Schedule Name & Backup Profile
First, you’ll want to give your schedule a name and select what type of backup should be run. The name of the schedule can be anything you’d like and is only use for your reference. You can choose to schedule a Database Only or a Complete (Full) Backup.
Backup Interval & Date/Time of Next Run
Next, you’ll select how often you’d like the scheduled backup to run and when the first backup will run. For your intervals, you can choose Monthly, Twice Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Twice Daily or Hourly. Then select the day and time that you’d like the backup to run. We recommend that you select a time when the traffic on your site is light.
Remote Backup Destination & Schedule Enabled
Last, choose if you’d like this backup sent to a remote destination and enable the schedule to run. You can select from the remote destinations you have already created or create a new one. You can also decide if the local copy of your backup is deleted after it has been successfully sent to the remote destination of your choice.
For the scheduled backup to run, you must check the Enable Schedule to Run box.