Solid Security Pro now has WP-CLI integration! The goal is for anything you can do via the WordPress Admin to be something you can do with WP-CLI as well.
WP-CLI Reference -
Run the commands in the command line while in your WordPress installation.
wp itsec browser <user-agent> [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
wp itsec dashboard <command>
wp itsec events <command>
wp itsec feature-flag <command>
wp itsec file-change <command>
wp itsec geo <command>
wp itsec import-export <command>
wp itsec lockout <command>
wp itsec log <command>
wp itsec map <command>
wp itsec modules <command>
wp itsec nc <command>
wp itsec network-brute-force <command>
wp itsec scaffold-entry <module> <name>
wp itsec schema
wp itsec security-check [--format=<format>]
wp itsec settings <command>
wp itsec two-factor <command>
wp itsec upgrade [--build=<build>]
wp itsec user-group <command>
wp ithemes-licensing activate
To view documentation about any particular command, use the built-in `help` command.
For example:
$ wp help itsec log
wp itsec log
wp itsec log <command>
get Get a log item.
list List log items.
prune Prune log items.
You can use WP CLI to view the recent lockouts.
$ wp itsec lockout list --limit=5 --type=host --fields=id,type,start_gmt,host
| id | type | start_gmt | host |
| 26245 | brute_force | 2020-03-11 15:27:41 | |
| 26244 | brute_force | 2020-03-11 15:27:08 | |
| 26242 | brute_force | 2020-03-11 14:31:19 | |
| 26240 | brute_force | 2020-03-11 11:16:17 | |
| 26238 | brute_force | 2020-03-11 06:01:18 | |
Then, you can use the id
to release a lockout.
$ wp itsec lockout release 26245
Success: Released lockout 26245.
Managing Modules and Settings
Solid Security supports enabling/disabling modules as well as editing a module's settings via WP CLI.
$ wp itsec modules enable recaptcha
Success: Module activated.
$ wp itsec settings set recaptcha type v3
Success: Setting updated.
If you want to edit multiple settings at once interactively, use the edit
command to launch the built-in editor. Saving in your editor will persist your changes.
$ wp itsec settings edit recaptcha
You can use WP CLI to manage the Two-Factor methods available to a user. For instance, to enable the Mobile App method for a user, run the following command.
$ wp itsec two-factor user method enable 1 Two_Factor_Totp
Success: Enabled Two_Factor_Totp method.
Or to generate a new list of backup codes for a user.
$ wp itsec two-factor user method configure 1 Two_Factor_Backup_Codes
Backup Codes: 32248965 77755697 87038658 08505644 40530877 60233579 06407376 06704530 96288475 96783818
Site Scan
You can use WP CLI to run the Site scanner using the following command.
$ wp itsec site-scanner scan
Activate/Deactivate license with WP-CLI
You can use WP CLI to activate/deactivate one or more SolidWP plugin:
$ wp ithemes-licensing activate ithemes-security-pro
$ wp ithemes-licensing deactivate ithemes-security-pro