Technical & Server Compatibility



Default global backup mode


[Default:  Modern] - If you are encountering difficulty backup up due to WordPress cron, HTTP Loopbacks or other features specific to version 2.x, you can try classic mode which runs like BackupBuddy v1.x did. 


Delete all backup archives prior to backups


[Default:  Disabled] - When enabled, all local backup archives will be deleted prior to each backup.  This is useful if in compatibility mode to prevent backup up existing files.  


Prevent Flushing


[Default:  Not prevented (unchecked)] - Rarely, some servers die unexpectedly when flush() or ob_flush() is called multiple times during the same PHP process.  Checking this prevents these from ever being called during backups.  


Save metadata in comment


[Default:  Enabled] - When enabled, Solid Backups will store general backup information in the ZIP comment header such as site URL, backup type and time, serial, etc. during the backup creation.  


Perform integrity check on backup files


[Default:  Enabled] - Warning:  Use with caution!  By default, each backup file is checked for integrity and completion the first time it is viewed on the Backup page.  On some server configurations, this may cause memory problems as the integrity checking process is intensive.  This may also be useful if the backup page will not load.  


Reschedule missing crons in the manual backups


[Default:  Disabled] - To proceed to subsequent steps during backups, Solid Backups schedules the next step with the WordPress cron system.  If this cron goes missing, the backup cannot proceed.  This feature instructs Solid Backups to attempt to re-schedule this cron as it occurs.  


Skip chained spawn of cron


[Default:  Disabled] - When skipping is enabled, Solid Backups will not spawn_cron() in an attempt to force a single chaining of the cron process when called from a page initiated by a web user/client.  Note that Solid Backups will only chain when called by a user-accessed page, not within cron runs themselves.  Chains are halted if DOING_CRON is defined to prevent potential infinite chaining loops.


Deployment: Verify SSL Cert


[Default: Enabled] - When disabled Solid Backups will not verify the SSL certificate authenticity of the remote end (outgoing connections). The connection will still be encrypted. 


Force cron if behind by X seconds


[Default:  Blank] - When in the default modern mode, Solid Backups schedules each backup step with the WordPress simulated cron.  If cron steps are not running when they should and the Status Log reports steps should have run many seconds ago, this may help force Solid Backups to demand WordPress run the cron step now.  Manual backups only; not scheduled.  


PHP runtime test interval


[Default:  604800 (weekly)] - By default, Solid Backups will regularly perform an actual test of your PHP maximum execution time limit.  Many hosts misreport this value so it is tested via a real-time test to confirm.  The lesser of reported or tested values is used for most Solid Backups operations.  Set to 0 (zero) to disable this test.  


PHP memory test interval


[Default:  604800 (weekly)] - By default, Solid Backups will regularly perform an actual test of your PHP maximum memory limit.  Many hosts misreport this value or have other global limits in place so it is tested via a real-time test to confirm.  Set to 0 (zero) to disable this test.

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