Checking for a Conflict

Important: Make a backup of your site prior to making changes

The first step in troubleshooting almost any issue will be checking for a conflict. 

We recommend using this free plugin, Health Check & Troubleshooting, so that your site will continue to function as expected on the front end for site visitors.

Conflict Check using the Health Check Plugin

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for "Health Check"
  3. Click "Install Now"



4. Click "Activate"




5. Click "Troubleshoot"




6. Enable Plugins one by one, checking to see if the conflict is triggered after you enable each one. If the conflict does not appear, repeat the process with Themes 

Note: You may sometimes find the error only appears when two plugins are enabled at once, so you may need to work through your plugin list in a variety of combinations.

7. Once you've discovered the source of the conflict, click "Disable Troubleshooting Mode"




If you prefer to run a conflict check without the plugin, you can also check manually:

How to Check For a Plugin Conflict

To check for a plugin conflict, deactivate all plugins to see if it resolves the issue. If it does, a plugin is causing the issue. You can deactivate all plugins at once from the Plugins page by selecting and applying the Deactivate Bulk Action.


Once it is clear that a plugin is causing the issue, re-enable the plugins one at a time and check the site after each plugin activation, to find the culprit or culprits. 

If you do not currently have access to the wp-admin page you can manually disable plugins using an FTP client by renaming the plugin. You can simply add a .bak to the end of it.


How to Check for a Theme Conflict

From the WordPress Dashboard navigate to Appearance -> Themes and switch to a WordPress Theme.


If you do not have access to the wp-admin you can use an FTP client and then navigate to the wp-content/themes directory and download a backup of your current theme to your desktop. Now you can remove every theme besides a WordPress theme. If the themes directory only has a WordPress theme the site will activate it for you.

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