Add Users to Your Solid Central Account

To add a new user to your Solid Central account, visit the Settings page by clicking on the drop-down menu located next to your username in the top right corner.



Once on the Account Settings page, select the User Access settings tab and enter the email address of the user you wish to add and click “Invite User.”



An email will be delivered to the email address you entered with a link to accept the invitation to manage your Solid Central account.


When the user clicks the “Log in and accept invitation” button, they’ll be taken to a page to accept the invitation.


The user can then login or create a Solid Central account. Once the user logs in to Solid Central, they’ll see an option to view the shared Solid Central dashboard in addition to their own Solid Central account.


Managing Users


If you need to revoke access for a user, visit the Settings > User Access tab in your Solid Central dashboard. You’ll see a list of authorized users for your Solid Cetnral account. Click the “Revoke Access” button to remove a user from your Solid Central account.

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