Passkeys on the Frontend

Please ensure you have enabled the Passkeys Feature on the backend. For more information, please view the Biometric Logins and Passkeys articles. 

To add the Passkey Setting on the front end for customers to be able to edit their Passkey settings, please use one of the following two methods:

Gutenberg Block:

To use the Gutenberg Block, click on the "+" displayed on the page, search for Solid Security, and select the Solid Security Passwordless Block as shown below. 


After selecting the Solid Security Passwordless Block, a block will display on the page, as shown below. This lets you know the block has been added to the page.


Solid Security Passwordless shortcode:

To use the Passwordless shortcode, simply add the following shortcode to any page or post.



Both the shortcode and the Gutenberg Block will show the following to Frontend users. 


Customers can now edit the Passkeys Setting on the front end.

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